Fox News and WSJ side with BP

The anti-Obama Conservatives are lining up with BP against the communities damaged by the Deepwater Horizon well. On this weekend’s John Fund of The Wall Street Journal said that $20 billion fund is going to turn the United States into a “banana republic” and repeats the Republican meme of the week that it was a “shakedown”. He goes on to describe the fund as national takeover of BP.

What??? Fox News is picking the wrong side of this war. Pensacola and Escambia County didn’t nothing to deserve this oil onslaught. We make no money off of offshore drilling, but have to leave with BP’s catastrophe. BP has admitted publicly its responsibility for this disaster and that it will “make it right.” The fund is assurance that they will live up to their obligations.

Meanwhile, BP hasn’t stopped making money. The oil giant makes $350 million in about 3.8 days.

…Congressman Joe Barton’s apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward was no accident. He and other Conservatives don’t understand the public’s outrage over this environmental disaster.
