Has Escambia turned the COVID corner?


With students returning to schools in Escambia County, the Florida Department of Health reported the lowest positivity rate for the county since Sunday, June 21–5.3% on 618 test results. Escambia’s positivity rate dropped to 8.14% for the week ended Aug. 22- down from 10.59% the previous week.

The monthly positivity rate for August is 12.25%, only slightly down from July’s 12.41%.

The test results have also dropped:

8/2-8/8: 9,671

8/9-8/15: 6,781

8/16-8/22: 6,091

The Escambia County Jail conducted the fewest number for any week since July 17:

Wk Ended Tested
7/17/20 12
7/24/20 13
7/31/20 12
8/7/20 6
8/14/20 11
8/21/20 5


as of Aug 23 8/20/20 8/22/20 Increase
Total Cases       593,286              600,571           7,285
Fla Residents       587,023              594,287           7,264
Deaths         10,168                10,325              157
Escambia         10,684                10,790              106
Fla Residents           9,731                  9,829                98
Deaths              171                     171                –
Hospitalizations              680                     697                17
LTC              999                  1,009                10
Corrections              858                     861                  3
Positivity 7.8% 5.3% -2.4%
Santa Rosa           4,385                  4,443                58
Fla Residents           4,346                  4,404                58
Deaths                53                       54                  1
Hospitalizations              241                     245                  4
LTC              240                     245                  5
Corrections           1,009                  1,015                  6
Positivity 11.3% 9.4% -2.0%