Historic Downtown Walk, Friday, Oct. 17


Join the local chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council for a walking tour along the historic path of San Gabriel Creek, as we explore innovative options for resolving local drainage problems, including the possibility of daylighting part of the Creek. San Gabriel Creek once flowed through a low area in what today is downtown Pensacola, providing a source of drinking water and wash water for early residents. The creek now flows underground in pipes west of City Hall, where the heavy rains of April 30 inundated much of the old creek basin and renewed the discussion about how to deal with flooding throughout downtown Pensacola in a more attractive and holistic way.

The tour is facilitated by Chapter Advocacy Chair Christian Wagley, and includes three special guests: Dr. Elizabeth Benchley, director of the University of West Florida Archaeology Institute and a member of the Escambia County Stormwater Task Force; Erick Mead, a City resident and attorney who handles issues of construction and design and whose office is located in the Creek watershed; and Brad Hinote, project engineer with the City of Pensacola, who is actively working toward drainage solutions the City can implement.

The tour begins on the sidewalk along the west side of Spring Street just east of the Suntrust Bank Building located at 220 W. Garden St. in downtown Pensacola. Plenty of parking is available immediately to the east in the large lot serving the Suntrust Building on the east side of Spring St. (We also encourage walking or bicycling to the tour). We will trace the path of the Creek from here to the waterfront along Pensacola Bay, so please wear comfortable walking shoes. The tour is free for USGBC members, and $5.00 for guests/potential members ($5.00 may be applied toward your membership). Online registration is available at: http://www.usgbc-ngcc.com/event-1775239 For more information on the walking tour contact Christian Wagley at 850-687-9968 or christian@sustainabletownconcepts.com
