History’s Greatest Book Burners

The Daily Beast has an article by Judith Miller on histories greatest book burnings, which includes:

In 1842, Pierre-Armand Dufau, the new director of the school for the blind in Paris, ordered all 73 books written in the new code devised by Louis Braille to be burned.

Read more.

The Beast’s Lynn Waddell profiles the book-burning pastor, Terry Jones, who leads the small Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville. Waddell reports that:

For 30 years, Jones led about 1,000 parishioners at the church in a poor German community. As the community grew with more Turkish immigrants who were predominately Muslim, his sharp message condemning their faith wasn’t well received, Ingram says. “At the time, political control by Islam was rising,” Ingram says. “He felt that no one was speaking out about Islam. He was beginning to preach and speak out about that and that was not popular.”

Read Florida’s Quran-Burning Pastor.

Everything crazy in the world happens in Germany or Florida. Pastor Jones has connections to both.

BTW Fox News has reported it will not cover the planned Quran-burning by the Gainesville preacher.
