Time Machine: BP, The Beast and Olbermann

In our July 18 issue, I write about how our newspaper garnered national attention when we became affiliated with The Daily Beast. When BP’s Deepwater…

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The Billings murders occured five years ago today

At dusk on a hot humid night five years ago, a beat-up red van drove onto the front yard of the large two-story, ranch-style house…

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GOP strategist reviews book about Greer that skewers Crist

A frequent guest on the most recent version of IN Your Head Radio was GOP political strategist Rick Wilson. The owner of Florida-based political consulting…

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New Outrage in the Gulf

My latest article for The Daily Beast is on a new report that shows Congress bears substantial blame for the weak response to largest environmental…

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History’s Greatest Book Burners

The Daily Beast has an article by Judith Miller on histories greatest book burnings, which includes: In 1842, Pierre-Armand Dufau, the new director of the…

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The Daily Beast: Cautious Optimism In the Gulf

The Daily Beast asked that I give their readers some feedback from Pensacola on the new containment cap of the Deepwater Horizon well. Cautious optimism…

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CMP 101

The blog has grown beyond Northwest Florida. We are approaching a million page views a month. Some of the new readers have been drawn here…

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News: Has BP disaster saved Crist?

The Daily Beast also reports: Once left for dead in his Senate campaign against Marco Rubio, Florida governor Charlie Crist has used the BP spill…

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The Beast: BP Makes Friends

The Daily Beast’s Rebecca Dana reports today: The world may have turned against the oil giant, but in one city near the Gulf spill cleanup,…

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Transcript of Olbermann interview

I really thought I sounded more literate and knowledgeable than this: OLBERMANN: That we know about the B.P. waiver agreement offering up to $5,000 to…

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NYT: What happened on the oil rig

I have been working on this story for four days and was so close to having it ready for The Daily Beast by Monday. Offshore…

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“BP is flying by the seat of its pants”

That’s what Florida CFO Alex Sink says about the claims processing of British Petroleum. Read my exclusive interview with Sink on the The Daily Beast….

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