How does Escambia County compare to Lafayette Parish?

Lafayette Parish did its first Quality of Life survey last year, and the results were released in December. Fortunately, its first results were much better than Escambia County’s first survey in 2008.

Both Escambia and Lafayette had the same percentage believe they were headed in the right direction in 2021.

Direction Escambia Lafayette
Right Track 52% 52%
Wrong Track 36% 32%
Don’t Know 12% 16%

In 2019, ranked the city of Lafayette the third best city in Louisiana for its quality of life, behind Mandeville and Covington.  Lafayette earned its spot near the top based on median earnings in the area, mortgage rates and housing costs, poverty levels and commute lengths, educational attainment and obesity rates.

According to the Census Bureau, Escambia County has about 80,000 more people than Lafayette Parish, but 1,600 fewer businesses.  The total payroll in 2019 in Lafayette was $6.47 million; Escambia $4.91 million.  Lafayette’s median household income  is $56,999; Escambia’s $50,915.

Lafayette has 8% more of its residents see its economic condition as positive than Escambia.  Both communities have the same level concern about job security, though Lafayette had larger percentage very concerned. More people in Lafayette (38%) are uncertain about the economy in five years – almost the same percentage of those say ti will be better, while 52% in Escambia believe it will be the same.

Economic Condition Escambia Lafayette
Good 34% 38%
Excellent 2% 6%
Subtotal 36% 44%
Fair 45% 42%
Poor 17% 12%
Subtotal 62% 54%
Don’t Know 2% 2%
Job Security Concerns Escambia Lafayette
Somewhat 29% 22%
Very Concerned 20% 28%
Subtotal 49% 50%
Not Too Concerned 23% 21%
Not At All 24% 26%
Subtotal 46% 47%
Not Sure 5% 2%
Economy in Five Years Escambia Lafayette
Better 21% 37%
Worse 22% 22%
Same 52% 33%
Don’t Know 6% 38%


When it comes to overall quality of life, Lafayette had a larger percentage said it was excellent – 21% to 13%, while Escambia had a larger percentage say fair – 30%-24%. Both communties had the same percentage rate it good – 52%.

Lafayette residents were confident the overall quality of life would improve over the next five years. However, the largest percentage believes it will stay the same.

Overall Quality of Life Escambia Lafayette
Good 52% 52%
Excellent 13% 21%
Subtotal 65% 73%
Fair 30% 24%
Poor 3% 3%
Subtotal 35% 27%
Quality over next 5 yrs Escambia Lafayette
Improve 26% 38%
Deteriorate 13% 13%
Stay Same 57% 44%
Don’t Know 3% 6%