IN letter dead wrong on ECUA

From Jim McClellan:

Rick, the letter in this week’s IN regarding Steve Sorrell was way wrong. I’m going to do a letter for next week, but I would appreciate it if you could also maybe at least mention something in the blog about it. The last ECUA post is way down the list or I would just respond on there. The letter in question was from Jack DeGasparre. The facts are as follows:
Former Executive Director, A.E. “Van” Van Dever, and Bernard Dahl, Scientific, Technical and Regulatory Administrator, traveled to Austria and Germany to tour the manufacturing facility and several treatment plants using the (then) proposed dryers in 1998.

SteveSorrell joined the ECUA as Executive Director in October 2002, about four years after the trip that Mr. DeGasparre accuses him of taking.

In the early to mid 1990’s, the ECUA disconnected from the public stormwater collection system and all water collected on plant site is collected into the plant’s own collection system. It is re-routed into the plant and treated. The idea that acid spilled into the public stormwater collection system is also incorrect.

Mr. Scott Kaufmann does know Mr. Sorrell, and has addressed the ECUA Board on several occasions in the last year.
