Interesting note about IMF arrest

IMF chief and potential French presidential candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested Saturday for allegedly sexually assaulting a maid at the hotel where he was staying. He was taken off the Air France flight at John F. Kennedy International Airport by officers from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and was turned over to New York police.

AP has a good summary of what happened.

According to police reports, the 32-year-old maid was attacked around 1 p.m. by Strauss-Kahn inside his $3000-a-night suite at the luxury Sofitel hotel when she was cleaning the suite. Strauss-Kahn walked out the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where he forced her to perform oral sex on him and tried to remove her underwear.

What I find interesting is the 32-year-old woman alleges that she was forced to perform oral sex. One of the most prevalent accusations against the freshman at Tate High School who was sexually assaulted by an older male student was that no woman could forced to perform oral sex. I heard it repeatedly from supporters of Tate High and Superintendent Thomas, as well as others who I thought were educated. The victim must have consented is what I was repeatedly told.

Well it isn’t that simple, folks. A woman can be forced. It is considered sexual assault and even important, powerful VIPs can be arrested for it.
