Rick's Blog

July 25 blog posts over the past 12 years

2017: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced, in a press release, that he has reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Pensacola Professional Fire Fighters Local 707, representing the City of Pensacola’s Fire Department employees.

2016: Inweekly interviews Bubba Watson and his newest venture with the Studers, Bubba’s Sweet Spot.

2013: Escambia County Commission rejects Sheriff Morgan’s offer to keep control jail for a year and proceeds with transfer of control by Oct. 1.

2012: Audit finds no wrongdoing at PMA.

2011: The transcript of Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science And Transportation, Subcommittee On Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard on the impact of the BP spill is published.

2007: The City of Pensacola Finance Committee approved the City Manager’s recommended 2008 millage of 4.598 mills, down from 4.95. This will be voted on by the full body on Thursday night.

2006: Here comes the Judge: Lacey Collier To Serve on Waterfront Park Board

Lacey Collier has agreed to serve on the Community Maritime Park Associate’s board of directors. Collier joins University of West Florida President John Cavanaugh and local entrepreneur Quint Studer on the three-member board. In accepting the appointment Collier has agreed to replace his long-time friend Pensacola Mayor Emeritus Vince Whibbs who served until his death in June. VADM Jack Fetterman filled the board seat prior to Whibbs.

In the past, I have attended a few Save Our City meetings and almost succumbed to the misinformation being put forth by some of its members. I am convinced by some of its members that not even Jesus Christ could satisfy some of these peopleI feel honored and proud to be in the position of following in the footsteps of two very, very good friends,” Collier said. “It is not overstating it to say they were both legends in their service to our community,” said Judge Collier. “My purpose in serving on the Community Maritime Park board is to help ensure that once we go forward we will have a true community park designed to benefit all the citizens of the Pensacola area, as both Vince and Jack envisioned. I can do no less in honoring the memory of the two great men who went before me.”

Also: City Finance Committee Recommends City Tax Cut

The Finance Committee of the Pensacola City Council recommended a decrease in the city property tax rate.

Under the proposal, which will be considered by the entire City Council at its Thursday meeting, the rate would be decreased to 4.95 mils. If approved, the change would be reflected in property owner’s 2007 tax bill.

“At a time when many citizens are still struggling with the aftermath of Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis, we think it is prudent that the City Council be sensitive to these needs and render some relief,” said Finace Committee Chairman Mike DeSorbo. “We want the citizens to know we understand what they are going through.”

The City’s property tax rate has been at 5.057 mils for 13 consecutive years. By reducing the tax rate the City Council will provide $333,000 in tax relief to the citizens of Pensacola next year.

The reduction would leave the proposed 2007 City general fund budget at $56.5 million (Note: FY 2019 general fund budget is $53.7 million)

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