Latest on BP Oil Spill

The oil spill is now 129 miles from the city of Pensacola.

Based on the latest projection from NOAA, Escambia County is not anticipating any direct oil impact in the next 48 hours. Weather conditions remain favorable. Wind and currents continue to keep the plume away from the Florida coast for at least the next 72 hours according to DEP.

Escambia County beaches remain clear and beautiful.

Currently 5,600 feet of BP’s boom is staged in Pensacola with an additional 10,000 feet of boom on order. If a boom is placed by a private citizen, that individual assumes responsibility for the boom, including the chance it could dislodge into the water or be harmful to wildlife.

Booms placed by private citizens that become impacted by oil are the responsibility of that individual and require special authorization for removal and proper disposal.

A local BP community outreach and claims office has been established for citizens at 435 East Government Street.
