Local lawmakers join call to Gov. Scott to suspend the UN Refugee Resettlement Program in Florida

Press Release: Representative Doug Broxson, Senator Greg Evers, Representative Mike Hill, Representative Neil Combee, along with other members of the Florida Legislature, requested today that Governor Scott suspend the UN refugee resettlement program in Florida.

As of the end of the federal government’s fiscal year in September 2015, Florida was among the top six states in the country for the number of Syrian refugees arriving in the United States, having accepted nearly 100 refugees at that time. President Obama announced that month that the United States would accept an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year, many of whom may be sent to Florida.

“The federal government’s inability to property vet the flood of refugees coming to our country is a major concern for the safety of all Floridians. Additionally, forcing the vast majority of the cost to care for these refugees on the state and local governments is yet another example of Washington’s fiscal irresponsibility,” stated Senator Evers.

Representative Combee asserted, “According to our own FBI Director, we do not have the capability to know who these refugees are. We should not accept any refugees unless and until we have an ironclad vetting process in place.”

“We call on Governor Scott to suspend the UN refugee resettlement program in Florida until there is a verified system in place to properly vet all refugees from nations that support terrorism. We need to properly determine if they have any sympathies toward terrorist activities. We are a compassionate nation and we need to add wisdom to that compassion to make sure our citizens are safe,” Representative Hill declared.

Representative Broxson said, “In light of the reports that the assailants in Friday night’s terrorist attacks in Paris included a Syrian refugee, we must act swiftly to ensure the safety of our citizens here in Florida. While America and other countries have long been a safe haven for those fleeing the destruction of their homelands, our nation’s enemies have begun to use that hospitality to smuggle in operatives and launch terrorist attacks in those safe havens. I ask Governor Scott to end Florida’s acceptance of additional refugees from nations that support terrorism, and I encourage him to work with other Governors to compel the White House to take stronger actions in the war on terror abroad.”

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families of Friday’s attacks. We also pray for the many lives that have been uprooted and destroyed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Finally, we continue to thank and pray for our troops and allies who are fighting ceaselessly to preserve the basic freedoms we hold dear,” added Representative Broxson.