Mack has a plan for Port

In all the hubbub over Blue Angels Week, Santa Claus wanting Ferdinand Plaza and the numerous Sunshine Law investigations, Councilwoman Diane Mack’s proposal for putting the Port of Pensacola up for sale got lost.

Mack visited the IN offices today to discuss her idea.

“I have spoken with people for and against the Port operations and spent six months researching the issue,” Mack says. “Both have good arguments. However, no one could show me real dollars either way.” She said that no one could show the revenue streams to the City if we keep the land as a Port or if we convert to some other use.

“The fact is if we move away from being a Port, then that it is forever.” She said that no one could clearly the forecast the consequences of such a drastic action. She also knows that the City should not be a developer.

For those reasons, Mack felt that it would be difficult for the city council to ever make a decision on the future of the Port. Therefore, she proposes that the City put the entire 50 acres up for proposal and see “what the market tells us.”

“I want to do this without restrictions. In the end, if we don’t like any of the proposals, we don’t have to sell the land.” She is also confident that the City can zone the land in which a way to ensure the land is developed as proposed.

Mack gives the complete details on her proposal on her website. She estimates the 50 acres would have an appraisal of around $52 million.

“I think we will have some incredible international offers,” Mack says.
