Message from Maren DeWeese to her supporters

We Win! We Win!

What an amazing journey this past 3 months has been. We walked our neighborhoods, knocked on doors, and we asked in simple terms for our neighbors to trust me with Pensacola’s future.

I have been given a gift by the people of District 3 and I am ready to get to work on making Pensacola the thriving and vibrant place we all know it can be.

Only in stepping out and standing up for what you believe in can true change really happen.

This race was what appeared to be the impossible task, yet with hard work, and a true plan for change, we spoke to the tough issues that face our city and our neighbors heard us load and clear.

Thanks to everyone on our team for all of your hard work and support. Thanks for walking with me and getting the word out. Thanks for supporting our family over the past 3 months. Thanks for being our true friends. Thanks for believing in our dream. Thanks for being a part of making Pensacola a great place to live.

Here’s to the best we can be!!! It is time for me to get to Work now. I am in awe of the job I have been given, what an honor!!!

We did it together,we all WIN.

Maren & Jeff, Kit Kat, Niko and Lumpy Liam
