Miller has no problem with McCoy


When Luke McCoy retired, our Congressman Jeff Miller gave this speech from the House floor. Apparently diversity isn’t an issue for the congressman:

In Recognition of the Retirement of Luke McCoy from “Pensacola Speaks”
May 22nd, 2007

Madam Speaker, it is a great honor for me to rise today to recognize a living legend in Northwest Florida. After nearly 15 years, Mr. Luke McCoy is stepping down as the host of the long-running “Pensacola Speaks” talk radio show in my district.

Luke’s viewpoints were as well-known as his distinctive voice as he took to the airwaves in the afternoon. However, he let all callers and guests offer their own opinions and insights and never hesitated to broach a tough political issue. The topics covered both national and local levels, and the callers always numerous and well-informed no matter the issue. Luke was well-known as the “Common Man’s Intellectual” as he brought these issues into a forum where all felt comfortable discussing them and offering their views.

It was not just the topics brought up on Luke McCoy’s show that made it great, but also the way Luke presented them- sometimes with humor, sometimes with a touch of irreverence, and when appropriate with well-deserved dignity. However, his respect for differing viewpoints was always constant, and Northwest Florida will miss having his familiar presence on the airwaves in the afternoons. Fortunately, listeners will still get to hear Luke on the local morning show, and I know his unique personality will be a breath of fresh air.

Luke McCoy is more than a radio personality, though, Madam Speaker. More than anything, he is a patriot, having served his country in combat and being wounded in action in Vietnam. He served with both the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division as well as the Marine Corps as he recognized the greatness of this nation and answered a call to duty. Those that listen to Luke and meet him know this patriotism is still strong today. He recognizes the different opinions and people that have come together to make America what it is today, but his support goes to what he sees as keeping this the greatest nation in the world.

Madam Speaker, I know many share my sadness with Luke’s departure from “Pensacola Speaks.” His name is a fixture in the community, and I know many will seek his advice for years to come. His passion to contribute to this country is endless, and I know as he rides his Harley through Northwest Florida and elsewhere that he will always maintain his support and love for the United States of America.
