Minister protests lack of shelter

Press Release

False assurance is no assurance at all.
Priest to sleep outside unless adequate shelter is provided for all, not just some.

January 5th, 2010 – PENSACOLA, FL [PNS] – A Statement by the Rev. Father Nathan T. Monk
One of our rights as Americans is, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and this standard needs to be met at
all times and all seasons.

Without life, liberty and happiness can not be pursued and anything that comes in between ones ability or chance
to live defies of all of our inalienable rights.

One of these rights should be the ability to seek shelter at all times, regardless of circumstance, for ones own
safety. Though it would be ideal that everyone have shelter at all times it is especially important for the availability
of shelter during times of extreme peril.

Over the last few days I have sought to work with area churches and City Manager Al Coby to open up an
additional shelter for Thursday January 7th due to the extremely inclement weather. There has either been no
response or answers of no, due to insurance issues even though other city officials and councilpersons see the need
for additional shelter.

Though the Waterfront Rescue Mission and Salvation Army will be open, there is no disaster plan in the event that
these shelters reach capacity. I was assured by Bruni Emmanuel at the Homeless Coalition that “No one will be
turned away at the Waterfront”, but after speaking with the Waterfront’s chaplain, I was informed that those
individuals who have been banned from the Mission for whatever reasons will, “have to seek shelter elsewhere”.

Thursday it will rain all day and then drop below freezing. Anything that is soaked such as tents, blankets, sleeping
bags and clothing will become ice after dark including the individuals who are sleeping in these items.

If the issue is the potential of an ended life there should be no reason anyone should be turned away. A homeless
person having lost their temper at the Waterfront before should not be reason to be issued a potential death

The issue extends far beyond just those who are homeless but also low income families and the elderly who are
currently living without heat, electricity and adequate warmth.

Death due to negligence is still murder, and I hold myself and anyone else who is willing to turn a blind eye to
those in most need in our city, be they individuals or families, in contempt if someone is harmed while we toast in
the comfort of our homes.

I have done everything I know how to do and have failed and it is for this reason that I have chosen to sleep outside
on Thursday January 7th in protest of lack of shelter. I do this in hopes that this unreal situation becomes reality
and that people become willing to go above and beyond their means for their fellow man.

Fr. Nathan Monk
(850) 454-9910
