Morning Joe

The NY Times reports MSNBC – the cable channel that broadcasts Joe Scarborough’s “Morning Joe” – is in negotiations with Rosie O’Donnell.

Joe is frank as always in his phone interview for the article:

“I’m just as conservative as I was in 1994, when everyone was calling me a right-wing nut,” he said. “I think the difference is the Republican Party leaders, a lot of them, have run a bloated government, have been corrupt, and have gone a very, very long way from what we were trying to do in 1994. Also, the Republican Party has just been incompetent.”

Asked if Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews in particular provided an outlet for the opinions of viewers unhappy with the current administration, Mr. Scarborough said yes.

“While I don’t agree with a lot of the things those guys say night in and night out,” he said, “I think it’s very important that those disaffected voices have a place to go when they think somebody out there needs to be speaking truth to power.”

Which is not to say that all of the channel’s hosts speak in one voice. On that same day last month when Mr. Scarborough spoke warmly of the Clintons, for example, he also referred to Democrats generally as “stupid people” and “morons.”

The quotes are consistent with my interview him earlier this summer ( Joe Speaks His Mind ). Joe is still conservative, but he doesn’t hesitate to call them as he see them.
