Most recent jail tests – 83% positive

The county reported yesterday afternoon the Escambia County Jail got back six more test results and five were positive – 83.33%. After reporting its first three COVID cases on July 2, the jail has had 146 prisoners test positive – overall positivity rate of 71.9%.

The public has been assured all is fine – most of the patients have recovered, five have been released (while positive?) and the remaining 22 have “no medical concerns at this time.”

The jail population averages about 1,400 – which means about 15% have been tested. At the rate of testing five or six a day, the county will complete testing all inmates by March 24, 2021.

Hong Kong registered a record 149 newly confirmed Covid-19 cases on Thursday, less than Santa Rosa and Escambia counties.

Hong Kong has 3,151 cases – Escambia 7,429 and Santa Rosa 3,125.

Combined Escambia and Santa Rosa counties had 359 new cases yesterday. The city of Chicago had 255 cases, Seattle/King County 150, New Orleans 49 and Denver 30.