NBA Request for Proposal had a timeline

Thanks to a public record request, Inweekly obtained a copy for the Request for Proposal for hosting a NBA Development League affiliate of the New Orleans Pelicans. Contrary to what Mayor Ashton Hayward told the Pensacola News Journal and the Escambia Board of County Commissioners, the presentation given on Wednesday, June 7 was the last step of the RFP process.

Mayor Hayward told the PNJ, “This is just preliminary right now.”

The Timeline of the RPF shows the presentation was the last step of the process:

RFP Issued: March 31, 2017
Deadline for intent to respond: April 21, 2017
Pelicans confirm receipt of intent to respond:April 25, 2017
Deadline for Proposal inquiries: May 5, 2017
Pelicans response deadline for Proposal inquiries: May 12, 2017
Proposal receipt deadline: June 7, 2017

The proposal had to include information on the facility where the games would be played:

Detailed information on the proposed arena which will host the NBA G League af liate must also be provided (e.g. capacity, history, building specs). If a Prospect expects to build an arena for the speci c purpose of hosting an NBA G League team, any Proposal must include a detailed plan for the completion of such venue including but not limited to the following: preliminary designs of the venue, expected location, timeline for construction, nancing plan, and any required city, municipality, and/or state approvals as necessary. Similarly, if a Prospect plans to submit a Proposal naming an already existing venue, any details surrounding building refurbishment and/or redevelopment plans must be included.

The facility is the Pensacola Bay Center, which is owned by Escambia County.

What are the specific requirements of the facility for the team?

The arena for hosting games and events (“Facility”) must be in compliance with all D-League Arena Facility Standards and Best Practice Guidelines. The Facility must meet a standard of quality for ongoing maintenance, operation, and management consistent with that of comparable D-League arenas.

I. Facility owner to provide dedicated and exclusive primary tenant locker room area for Team within the existing building footprint. Space to include locker accommodations for all players as well as a training room, laundry facilities, and showers. Space also to include of ce space for coaches.
II. Facility owner will also provide a second locker room for use by visiting teams on event days, as well as suf cient locker rooms for referees and other needs consistent with NBA G League Arena Best Practice Guide
(see Exhibit B).

i. Team to receive a negotiated percentage of the gross parking revenues for event day sales of parking to the public.
ii. Facility to provide Team with designated and complimentary parking spaces, including premium parking for all players, coaches, and select others at the discretion of the Team. Facility owner to provide complimentary parking for full-time staf ng and visitor needs.

i. Team to be allowed to structure oor seating con guration utilizing NBA G League best practices model.
ii. Facility to cover all costs of construction of courtside suites, including necessary equipment.

i. Team to receive the right to a negotiated number of suites for internal use at no charge.
ii. Team to have the right to sell suite inventory for its games and to split a negotiated percentage of revenues (net of commissions) with the building for non-Team events. If building owner retains right to sell suites, building owner will guarantee Team a negotiated percentage of revenue generated from such sales.
iii. Team to receive access to premium or VIP areas of arena on all event days to host current and potential season ticket holders or sponsors throughout the game as well as ten (10) non-event dates throughout the year.

i. Facility to provide a court consistent with the NBA G League Arena Best Practice Guide (see Exhibit B for details on court requirements).
ii. Facility shall make the court available to the Team and visiting team during the entire day of game.
iii. Team to be able to utilize court for up to two (2) hours after the game for fan engagement or other Team needs.
iv. Team to use court no more than twenty (20) times other than Team home games for sponsor, season ticket holder, fan engagement, and sales events.
v. Team to have open access to Facility for the showing of seats for ticket sales purposes in addition to certain “Select-A-Seat” events as part of Section XI(e)(iii) above.

i. Included in arena usage agreement and at no additional cost, Facility to provide built-out of ce space able to accommodate up to twenty (20) full time staff and coaches within the existing building footprint.
ii. Facility will provide all utilities to such space and shall be responsible for furniture, xtures, and equipment of of ce space. If such space cannot be provided within the arena, then Facility owner will provide of ce space offsite, but near the arena, on a rent-free basis.

i. City or Facility owner to help secure a practice facility as close to the arena as possible. Terms to be negotiated.
ii. Please describe the location, equipment, and amenities of the proposed practice facility.

i. Facility to provide the appropriate quantity of ticket takers, ticket sellers, ushers, security, emergency medical technicians, set up and take down personnel, building cleaning staff, video products, and other personnel necessary to suf ciently perform the required tasks of hosting events, all in accordance with NBA G League standards.
ii. Facility to provide appropriate Game Day Employee training with input from Team.
iii. Team to provide game day personnel as required by NBA G League standards (e.g., score keepers, statisticians, public address announcer, game of cials, mascots, game day entertainment staff, etc.).

i. Please provide a detailed description of all existing or planned external arena signage, including but not limited to any video boards and/or advertising marquees.
ii. Please provide a detailed description of the video, sound, and lighting equipment, including but not limited to the scoreboards, ribbon boards, speaker system, and infrastructure for high de nition television (HDTV) and radio broadcasts.
iii. Facility will provide standard, high-speed Wi-Fi capabilities for all events, including reasonable fan access. Team will have the exclusive right to sell sponsorship and advertising rights and control content on any Wi-Fi system installed in the Facility and to receive all sponsorship and advertising revenue therefrom.

Please provide a detailed description of all basketball-related equipment that is available and would be provided, including but not limited to the basketball court, basket stanchions, game clocks, and TV and video equipment.

What else did the Mayor have to include in his RFP? See G_League_RFP-Pensacola[10964].

5 thoughts on “NBA Request for Proposal had a timeline

  1. Rick
    So you are telling us the Mayor responded to the RFP without proper authorization from the PBC or the BCC? How is it a “responsive” proposal without the “facility owner’s” concurrence with the response? Did the Mayor again make another unilateral response that will be be seen as incompetent management?

  2. It sounds to me like the team is asking for things the mayor cannot provide or commit to. From what they are asking for it doesn’t look like it would be a good deal for the civic center. I see a losing deal for the county. Maybe the mayor can build a place for them at the maritime park. Another way to strap the taxpayers

  3. Maybe he should check the archives for the odds of a successful minor league basketball team in Pensacola. There must be a lot about the Pensacola Tornados and the CBA. Apparently it was a good avenue to professional wrestling…;)

  4. John,
    We like the idea but can’t figure out why the mayor has been so secretive. This should have been a community effort -county, Chamber, Visit Pensacola, FloridaWest, etc.- so that we gave it our best shot.


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