New Vichy government forming in Tallahassee

When the Germans conquered France during the WWII, Marshal Philippe Pétain and his Vichy government collaborated with the Germans.The French police and the state militia captured Jews and other undesirables and shipped them off to the concentration camps.

The new collaborators–the BP collaborators–are in Tallahassee. When I read the following announcement from Gov. Charlie Crist that BP Barbie Liz Castro is circulating to all our elected officials, I wonder who is sticking up for the public – those who Rep. Kendrick Meek called “too small to fail.”

BP is giving Florida $25 million for advertising —the same amount it gave the state to help local governments fund their preparations for the BP Oil Spill. Am I the only one who sees the games being played here?

The ads will minimize the risks and help BP in its defense against government fines and lawsuits. It won’t help counties that are depleting their cash reserves.

Press release:
Regarding BP’s $25-Million Grant for Tourism Advertising

“I am grateful to Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, for answering our call for help and delivering the good news that BP will provide Florida an additional $25 million for a national tourism advertising campaign. These funds are in addition to the $25 million we have already received, and I commend BP for their commitment to protect our beaches, businesses and communities affected by the Gulf oil spill.

“As one of the world’s favorite travel destinations, we will use every marketing resource available to spread the word that Florida’s beaches are clean, our fish are biting, and the Sunshine State is open for business.”

