NRA gives Nobles A rating

Press Release—Jack Nobles, former small business owner and community leader, today received an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and was hailed as “pro-gun” by the United Sportsmen of Florida. An “A” rating is the highest rating a candidate can receive from the NRA and means the candidate is solidly pro-gun.

“As an avid hunter and strong supporter and defender of the Second Amendment, these ratings from the NRA and the United Sportsmen of Florida are extremely important to me,” said Nobles.

“I appreciate these organizations recognizing my solid commitment to protect the freedoms guaranteed to us by our forefathers. When I am elected, I will fight tirelessly to ensure our Second Amendment rights…and I’ll tell liberal extremists like Mike Bloomberg to stop trying to destroy our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”

Nobles is an active member of the NRA. He is a Republican currently running for the State Representative in District 2. For more information about Nobles, please like him on Facebook at or visit his website at
