Official Statement from Jack Nobles

November 7, 2008

After a great deal of prayerful introspection and with the advice and support of my family, I have withdrawn as a candidate for re-election to our City Council. I wish my successor, Diane Mack, the best and am confident that she will provide the same strong commitment to our city that I’ve endeavored to provide over the past 14 years.

While I believe that I’m capable of running a strong and potentially successful campaign, I’ve chosen not to do so. As a fiscal conservative, I’m unwilling for our city to bear the substantial costs of a citywide special election to resolve a single race. More importantly, I’m aware that Pensacola, too, has heard the winds of change that have broken over America. I’m not comfortable that the change being demanded is consistent with my own strong views that I’ve expressed over the years.

I’ve always felt that changes in Pensacola should occur in a tempered and deliberative manner. We’ve inherited a unique legacy of centuries of history, vast waters and beautiful beaches, and a populace known for its friendliness and strong sense of community. It is this legacy that makes Pensacola a most special place. Whatever changes we make must be with an eye toward preserving this legacy for our children and for the generations that follow. We simply can’t sacrifice the Pensacola that we love in the name of change for change’s sake or at the risk of unintended consequences. I sense, though, that these views are probably inconsistent with a majority of our new City Council in terms of the pace and direction of change. I see no real purpose for my community or myself in my continuing participation.

I’m grateful to my family for tolerating the long hours that I spent away from them on city business over the past 14 years. I’m grateful to my colleagues I have served with on the Council for working with me in making our city a better place to live. I’m grateful to my friends and supporters for standing behind me on so many occasions. Most of all, I’m deeply grateful to the citizens of Pensacola for giving me the opportunity to serve this city that I love so very much. Thank you very much.

There will be no further comments beyond this statement
