Oil Spill Restoration Meeting in Gulf Shores

There’s another chance tonight to comment on initial oil spill restoration projects slated for the Gulf Coast.

After a holding meetings in Florida earlier this month, officials presenting the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Draft Phase I Early Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment have traveled along the coast and now find themselves back near the Panhandle. Another public input meeting is scheduled for tonight in Gulf Shores, Ala.

The plan lays out eight projects to start off the restoration phase of the post-spill days. The projects will be funded by $1 billion dollars from BP, and represent the first round of restoration. Tonights meeting will be held at the Kaiser Realty Meeting Facility at 1557 Gulf Shores Parkway at 6 p.m.

For more information on the early restoration plan, see the IN’s Jan. 19 article exploring the issue.  http://inweekly.net/wordpress/?p=8469

