OMG: Escambia blows past 4,100 COVID cases with 484 new ones

The Florida Department of Health has been slow to send out its county reports, but according to the COVID dashboard, Escambia County has 484 new cases. The dashboard now has Escambia the same dark shade of blue as Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

We will update when DOH releases county reports.

UPDATE:  DOH Escambia must have finally caught up on the testing and entered 4,692 test results for July 11 – positivity rate 10%.   For the previous five days of last week, DOH Escambia entered 4,679 test results and had 632 positives – 13.5% rate.

The median age of the news case is 29. No new deaths. Hospitalizations have increased by 12 since Thursday, July 9.

as of July 12 7/10/20 7/11/20 Increase
Total Cases         254,511    269,811  15,300
Fla Residents      250,984    266,119  15,135
Non-Fla.           3,527        3,692         165
Deaths Per DOH        4,242  45
Escambia           3,662       4,146       484
Okaloosa           1,130        1,285       155
Santa Rosa           1,142        1,331         189