PS Podcast: Who will Democrats run for U.S. Senate in 2016

On Pensacola Speaks, Democratic Party insider Kevin Cate shared his insights on Congressman Patrick Murphy and the 2016 U.S. Senate race. “Pensacola Speaks airs on…

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Newpoint High has been losing money. Its schools are being investigated in other areas (video)

According to its audited financial reports, Newpoint High School’s expenses exceeded its revenues by $59,994. It lost $81,223 last year. Newpoint High School received $704,338…

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Yikes, BP terminates contracts offshore rigs

Coming the heels of City COO Tamara Fountain’ announcement that DeepFlex has suspended construction at its facility at the Port of Pensacola. Reuters reports BP…

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New poll gives Bush and Rubio boosts

By JIM SAUNDERS THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA With voters pointing to concerns about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s honesty, former Gov. Jeb Bush…

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Bipartisan health care bill praised

A Healthy Florida Works, a bipartisan coalition of business leaders, chambers of commerce, statewide business organizations and concerned individuals, today released an ad thanking Senate…

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Cat’s photo featured on

Please forgive me for a proud father moment. My daughter Cat’s photo was featured by NBC on its website Our children redeem us.

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BTW: No new contract for city attorney

The Pensacola City Council and media were told last Wednesday that the city would execute a new contract with City Attorney Lysia Bowling, a contract…

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PS Today: GCE, Democratic politics with Kevin Cate, and Willie Spears

On Pensacola Speaks this afternoon, we will interview Willie Spears, former co-host of The Daily Brew and new head football coach of Vernon High, at…

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Gov. Scott appoints White to board

Governor Rick Scott announced three appointments to the Florida Development Finance Corporation. Frank White, 36, of Pensacola, is the general counsel and business analyst for…

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PS Podcast: Rick Wilson on Chris Christie- ‘Guy is dead but two dumb to lay down and start stinking’

On Pensacola Speaks, I interviewed GOP political strategist Rick Wilson on the various Republican presidential hopefuls. He is no fan of New Jersey Gov. Chris…

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Bare’s proposed ordinance that prohibits the use of private email when conducting official city business.

Here is the summary memo from Councilman Charles Bare on his proposed ordinance: All employees and elected officials in the city are provided with government-issued…

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Council to consider banning private emails for official business

Besides want to discuss the termination of the CBRE’s listing agreement with the CBRE, Councilman Charles Bare also wants the council to discuss banning the…

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