Ingrams welcome baby girl

State Rep. Clay Ingram and his wife Leslie welcomed Lydia Kathleen –9 lbs, 6 oz. baby girl –to their family yesterday. Momma and baby are…

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Tin Cow expands to Tallahassee

Joe Abston is bringing his unique hamburger joint to the state capital. The Tallahassee Democrat reports Abston and Mike Weeks of Pensacola have leased the…

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World Renew coming to assess flood-related needs

BRACE and the Escambia County Long-Term Recovery Group have requested the services of a national disaster recovery group to determine who in the community will…

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STD rates soar in Escambia County

Escambia County has a sexually transmitted disease problem. Infectious syphilis cases have more than doubled in Florida over the past decade — and in Escambia…

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Text messages could become public records for city officials

Councilwoman Sherri Myers sent out a press release this morning regarding amendments that she is proposing to the city’s code of ethics. She wants to…

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Panel to interview Murzin for Public Service Commisson spot, Aug. 28

A state panel is expected to nominate candidates for two spots on the Florida Public Service Commission after conducting interviews Aug. 28 in Miami. The…

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Southeastern Teen Shakespeare Company announces auditions for their 10th season

The Southeastern Teen Shakespeare Company (SETSCO) invites all teen members of the community to audition for its tenth company. SETSCO will hold auditions for the…

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Judge rules Democratic candidate for AG meets residency requirements

By MARGIE MENZEL THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA A legal move to disqualify one of two Democratic candidates for Florida attorney general failed Friday when…

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Obituary: Molly McGuire Martin

Molly McGuire Martin, October 31, 1936 –August 15, 2014, 77 years old of Stamping Ground, Kentucky, was born to two hardworking, humble parents –Ralph Lee…

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Crist takes on Scott over pot plan

By DARA KAM THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA On the campaign trail in South Florida, former Gov. Charlie Crist blasted Gov. Rick Scott’s administration Friday…

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Unofficial Early Statistics for Escambia

    From the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office: Date SOE Ofc Main Library Genealogy Fair- grounds South West Extension Molino Total 16-Aug 63…

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Weekend Buzz: Jail Given A Pass, Piedmont Report, Ala. Gambling Bag Man

DOJ Closes Book On The Jail Escambia County Attorney Allison Rogers learned last week that the Department of Justice has closed its investigation of the…

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