Marty says you can’t believe the IN

Here are a few of the stories we’ve written – you decide if we’re worthy of your trust: We predicted Bill Eddins would the new…

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Jeff Dee-Weasel nails Marty on lie during WCOA

Jeff Deweese – Codename Dee-Weasel (Stop Our City Blab Show #1 – review)- called Marty Donovan out on WCOA today. He point blank asked him…

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Another theme song for Marty “Call me” Donvan

[youtube=] “Mr Telephone Man” – New Edition

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Stidham will lose

Prediction: Escambia Co. School Board member Cary Stidhim is on her way out of office. Her challenger Gerald Boone has out raised her $14,428 to…

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Eddins clears City Council

State Atty Bill Eddins’ office has interviewed the city council members and others, and he has decided there will be no further investigation of the…

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Rick “No calls” Outzen on WEBY at 4 pm today

While Marty is on WCOA this afternoon, I’ll be on 1330AM WEBY – the much more powerful AM station. So if you get tried of…

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SOC member arrested – edited 3:07pm

SOC supporter Joe Brown was arrested yesterday for cursing motorists on an open warrant- after police arrive to investigate a complaint about his erratic behavior-…

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“Call me” Donovan joins Luke McCoy today

It will be the kind of love feast that will make Brokeback Mountain look like a Western. Please call him 478-3116 – from 4-5:30. Ask…

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Ralph liked first Trillium plan

In another Letter to the Editor – Ralph Petersen says he wants a ferry service instead on the Trillum property. And he really liked the…

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Smith may be catching Davis

Rod Smith is gaining momentum in the race to be the Democratic nominee for Florida’s governor.  We have heard that a new poll will be…

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Marty lied during WSRE debate

Last night, Pensacola City Councilman Marty “Call me” Donovan claimed that when he met with Mort O’Sullivan in December 2004 that he had no idea…

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Wally likes Pelicans at UWF

Today’s PNJ Letters to the Editor from Stop Our City fans are worth answering. This one is from Walter Bradner “Mr. Studer’s idea to have…

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