Menhaden may be key indicator of Gulf health

The Mobile Press Register writes that the sudden and complete crash of the herring population in the wake of the Exxon Valdez spill holds a…

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Officials Say the Darndest Things

It’s the new Tumblr blog by ProPublica, an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Here is how ProPublica describes it:…

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Static top kill has risks

The drilling insider forum The Oil Drum describes the static top kill process and the risks involved. The two risks involved are: 1) It may…

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Brown Investigation Moved To PC

The investigation into the alledged theft of campaign signs involving State House Dist. 1 candidates Greg Brown Jr. and Doug Broxson has been moved to…

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BP Promises $100 Million More

Press Release: BP today announced that it will establish a $100 million charitable fund to support unemployed rig workers experiencing economic hardship as a result…

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Overholtz argues to get BP cases tried here

For Immediate Release Pensacola, Florida Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, based in Pensacola, Florida will argue before Judicial Panel in Boise, Idaho that all BP…

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Biking Mike visits IN

Michael E. Arth, NPA candidate for Florida governor, stopped by the offices of the Independent News after biking the state from Key West to Pensacola….

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Greg Brown responds to sign controversy

From Greg Brown campaign: Milton—A video being distributed of Republican Greg Brown allegedly stealing opponent’s campaign signs has been proven false. “Greg Brown called me…

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Is BP bringing boom back?

Sitting over beers at Hopjacks last Friday, I opined that much of our region may never see again the boom that BP was picking up…

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Worker’s Union Protests BP

Press Release: Workers Solidarity Alliance Pensacola is staging a demonstration at the BP Community Outreach Center on the 100th day of the disaster of the…

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Mack comments on petition drive

COMMENTARY ON THE PETITION DRIVE Diane Mack City Councilwoman 7/14/10 Imagine you are the president of a technology company and that you are planning to…

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BP hasn’t paid into escrow fund

Surprise, surprise, BP hasn’t made its first payment into the much-touted $20-billion escrow fund. BP officials had agreed last month after meeting with the White…

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