Transparency Challenge for District 2

The race in the Republican primary for Escambia County District 2 is a dogfight. The top candidates – incumbent Gene Valentino, former County Administrator George…

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Oil Academic Task Force

Press Release: Chancellor Frank T. Brogan and chair of the Oil Spill Academic Task Force to visit University of West Florida TALLAHASSEE – Chancellor Frank…

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BP exec admits that they don’t know how much is leaking

I will work on my notes on the press conference a little later, but I did learn that BP doesn’t know how much is leaking…

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BP bosses sued over alleged bribery

In efforts to better understand the company that is responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I spent hours reading articles in…

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Transcript of Olbermann interview

I really thought I sounded more literate and knowledgeable than this: OLBERMANN: That we know about the B.P. waiver agreement offering up to $5,000 to…

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Tarballs hit Dauphin Island

Mobile Press Register is reporting that tarballs suspected to be part of the Deepwater Horizon oil leak have been sighted along the shore at Dauphin…

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Too much to think last night

We aren’t supposed to win. British Petroleum is a global oil company, which made $5.6 billion the first three months of 2010. We are a…

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Containment box 200 ft. above leak

According to NPR, the containment structure was most recently reported as just 200 feet above the leak. Reuters reports the 98-ton structure is suspended just…

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EPA Responds to the BP Oil Spill

Press Release: EPA Responds to the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Since the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico on…

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TPM: BP Lobby & PR strategy

TPMMuckraker reported this week on who are the ones handling damage control for British Petroleum: Tony Podesta, brother to former Clinton White House chief of…

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Environmentalists kicked out Mobile Unified Command

At the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center, the Emerald Coastkeeper (IN Rising Star Chassidy Hobbs) is allowed to be in the EOC. We’ve learned at…

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No more BP coeds at community meetings

It’s time to stop the “sorority teas” at the community meetings on the BP oil spill. If BP can’t have a knowledgeable person (male or…

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