Sex, drugs and oil

The NY Times reports on another scandal inside the Bush Administration. This time it involves the Interior Department and the Minerals Management Service, which collects…

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Lipstick and Pigs

Putting lipstick on a pig is very familiar statement for McCain and Obama. According to St. Pete Times (more) On Feb. 1, 2007, McCain blasted…

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Boeing “politically terrorized the Air Force”

Mobile County Commission President Steve Nodine didn’t mince any words in his criticism of the DOD decision to delay the air tanker decision. Nodine told…

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Pro-Palin email

Here is another email on Palin that is also circulating – I’ve gotten three copies – one on Monday and two today. It hasn’t got…

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DOD calls off tanker competition

The Department of Defense is calling off the competition to replace its aging fleet of aerial-refueling tankers. Apparently, they don’t think they can pick a winner…

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Pensacola loses another leader

Nelson Bradshaw is the new city president for Compass Bank in Jacksonville. Read more. Congratulations to Nelson.

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Wasilla resident gives view on Palin

This email has been circulating on the internet. It has been verified by the St. Pete Times as being from an actual resident of Palin’s…

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Words used at the conventions

The NY Times has a great webpage that tallies the key words used by the speakers at the Democratic and Republican conventions. Republicans: Top words…

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Want to know the true job experience of the presidential candidates and their running mates? John McCain: Military 22 yrs, Congress 4 years, US Senate…

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Good News

This is a huge step in the right direction. Escambia County Commission reduces the county’s 2007-08 property tax millage rate from 8.017 mils to 6.9755…

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O’Sullivan’s speech at Chamber annual meeting

Given today at New World Landing: Good morning and welcome. We’re here today because we share an interest, a love and a concern for our…

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No gangs?

More teen on teen violence. Yet no one wants to call gang-related. WEAR TV reports: Pensacola Police say a 16 year old stabbed an 18…

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