Factoid: Jacksonville City Council

The Jacksonville council has 19 members. The city is divided into 14 districts of nearly equal population and each of these districts elects a single…

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Ford has no part in push poll

Rep. Clay Ford called the office to say that he was totally unaware of the push poll against Lumon May and is trying to find…

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Dirty campaigns nationally

The St. Pete Times reports on the big attacks made against Obama and McCain by their opponents. McCain-Palin attack: Obama’s relationship with William Ayers, a…

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Learn about Jacksonville and consolidation

The 2 p.m. session is open to everyone: The Jacksonville Story: A presentation of the history and current state of consolidated government in Jacksonville –…

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McCain campaign strategy or is it a tactic?

McCain campaign is now saying Obama is unfit to be president and nominate U.S. Supreme Court judges because of his past associations – some aren’t…

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Ucci say city pension crisis in 2005

P.A. Ucci forwarded this email to me from May 2005: Original Message —– From: paucci To: rbarker@ci.pensacola.fl.us Cc: city Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 1:28…

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Debate analysis

New York Times ADAM NAGOURNEY writes: “The debate was not the bad night that some had feared, but neither was it a turning point for…

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Biden wins debate

Sarah Palin did not crash and burn, and probably played well to her right-wing base. But she was painful to watch. Rarely answered the questions….

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The Debate in Pictures

CLICK HERE to see all the pictures from the Ole Miss Presidential Debate.

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Pensions on council agenda

Pension Plan Concerns Addressed to City Council By: Michael Rutschky Citizens voiced their concern over the costliness of Pensacola’s pension plan during the open forum…

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Conseratives blame Clinton

There is a huge flaw in this logic: How A Clinton-Era Rule Rewrite Made Subprime Crisis Inevitable By TERRY JONES INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted…

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DeSorbo denies he has a city pension

At the recent luncheon of the Escambia Rpeublican Women, Councilman Mike DeSorbo denied that he had a city pension for being a city councilman. Unfortunately…

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