Oops, Joe isn’t a plumber

Joe the Plumber who confronted Obama at a rally and was a key part of McCain’s attack during the third debate isn’t really a plumber….

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Smart Move: EADS puts Trent Lott on board

Mobile Register reports the EADS – the partner of Northrup Grumman in the Mobile air tanker deal – has put former Senate Majority Leader Trent…

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How Time grades the third debate

McCain: A- Obama: B McCain won, but Obama didn’t get rattled by the attacks. Grading the final presidential debate

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McCain wins third debate

John McCain won last night’s debate. He was aggressive and made the points that his supporters wanted to hear. He threw everything at Obama that…

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Newspaper endorsements

According to Editor & Publisher magazine: Barack Obama picked up at least 17 newspaper endorsements this weekend, including six in swing states Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio,…

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Joe Roberts on meltdown

Market meltdown = Black Friday? Joe Roberts 10.13.08 As I pointed out last month, the roots of current “financial crisis” are not to be found…

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ACORN responds

ACORN Response to Senator McCain’s Smear Ad ACORN President Maude Hurd released the following statement today in response to the McCain campaign’s new ad claiming…

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McCain talking points on ACORN

Statement by McCain-Palin spokesman Michael Goldfarb on Barack Obama and ACORN: “Just one week ago, the Obama campaign declared that ‘Barack Obama never organized with…

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McCain responds to John Lewis

Press release: ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain today issued the following statement: “Congressman John Lewis’ comments represent a character attack against Governor Sarah…

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John McCain’s birth certificate

The Independent News has made a request of the John McCain campaign for a copy of John McCain’s birth certificate. We are also concerned that…

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Jeff DeWeese call out DeSorbo, Nobles

Mike, You and Jack owe Mr. Cummins an apology for your lack or respect of a citizen before Council tonight. The tape will confirm that…

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Bailey: current charter hurts city

Former CRA director says city charter limits problem solving By: Michael Rutschky The Pensacola City Charter inhibits the city’s people and government from successfully working…

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