Pensacola International Airport has 8K more passengers, VPS 25K in Oct.

The Pensacola International Airport rebounded from a weak September to have 8,302 more passengers in October 2017 than it did a year ago. Year-to-date, the Pensacola airport has had 68,136 more passengers than the same period, Jan.-Oct., in 2016.

The only fly in the ointment is nearby Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport had 24,934 more passengers in October than it did in 2016.  The Okaloosa county faculty has handled 243,493 more passengers for the year when compared to last year.

Destin-Fort Walton Beach’s passenger increase is 357 percent greater than the local airport.

  Oct-17 Oct-16 Gain
Penascola  149,464  141,162  8,302
Destin-FWB  108,399  8,465  24,934
Year-to Date 2017 2016 Gain
Penascola  1,425,844  1,357,708  68,136
Destin-FWB  1,021,846  778,353  243,493

