Pensacola Speaks: Newpoint in Pinellas County, New overtime rules

On News Talk 1370 WCOA’s “Pensacola Speaks,” we will discuss two hot topics – charter schools and new rules for overtime pay.

New federal regulations announced by the White House yesterday establish a new overtime pay threshold of $47,476 a year for those working more than 40 hours a week. More than 4 million Americans could get pay hikes. It could have a huge financial impact on small businesses. Daniel Harrell and Richard Sherrill of the Clark Partington law firm will be discuss the impact of the rule that is set to go into effect Dec. 1.

We will also have Colleen Wright, an investigative reporter with the Tampa Bay Times. She will discuss her reports on Newpoint Education Partners and why the Pinellas County School Board voted unanimously to send three of the NEP charter schools 90-day termination notices.
