Pensacola wants mediocrity

We’ve written about the numbers of young professionals leaving the area because of the lack of opportunity. Well, the seniors aren’t happy either. Shared a cup of coffee this morning with successful business man who is over 70. He told me that he is feed up with the small-mindedness of this community. “We want to stay mediocre,” he said.

He pointed to the push to keep the mayor salary low. “No one is saying the city administration is paid too much. No, we want to make sure whoever is elected is the lowest paid person in the staff meetings.”

He has a point. Look at the salaries – which doesn’t include benefits. The City Manager and City Attorney are both paid $145K, more than any constitutional officer in the county and the superintendent of schools ($128,103).

They are paid more than the Governor $130,273, Lieutenant Governor $124,851, Chief Financial Officer $ 128,972, Attorney General $128,972, Commissioner of Agriculture $128,972.
