PNJ updates Solutia layoffs story

Last night when I posted that Solutia had laid off 780 workers, the was reporting 200 in its headline online. The confusion is over contract workers (such as Landrum workers) and the full Solutia employees.

Here is the breakdown of the layoffs/firings:

Solutia employees laid off 200
Solutia employee fired 55
Contract workers (this week) 340
Contract workers (earlier this month) 110
Workers at Foley plant laid off 58
Workers at Foley plant fired 22

Total 785

So it appears our number was off by five people. Now maybe the laid off figures include the firings. We will try to get clarification on Monday.

Solutia has been less than forthcoming with the information. Earlier this week, their spokesman told us only 100 or so contract workers had been laid off and no other layoffs were anticipated. They told the Greenville (SC) News the same thing when they cut 300 jobs there (read more).

With Wayne-Dalton restructuring and laying off 200 people, plus West Fraser McDavid Lumbermill cutting 75 jobs, that’s over 1,000 jobs lost.
