Podcast: The Honesty Gap on how we measure student achievement

The-Honesty-Gap-logo_RGB-e1430243398180Yesterday on “Pensacola Speaks,” I interviewed Karen Nussle, Executive Director of the Collaborative for Student Success, on how the state of Florida should define student proficiency.

There is pressure to lower standards, but we know that currently 54 percent of our public high school graduates have to take remedial courses when they go to college.

Earlier this year, the Collaborative launched The Honesty Gap campaign nationally. The initiative exposed the sometimes glaring rift between real student achievement rates as measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), broadly considered the Gold Standard of student proficiency measures, and student achievement rates reported by the states.

For the 2013-14 school year, Florida showed a 22-point discrepancy between state reported proficiency scores and NAEP in fourth-grade reading, and a 16-point discrepancy in eighth-grade math.