Reimagine Jackson St. survey deadline extended

Coffee Cup

Escambia County and the City of Pensacola are seeking public input to develop a master plan for the future improvements of West Jackson Street. Residents are asked to share their opinion by completing a survey no later than the end of day Sunday, April 17. The survey is available online in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Visit the Reimagine Jackson Street website to complete the survey.

By seeking resident feedback, the county and city’s Community Redevelopment Agencies intend to develop a master plan for the West Jackson Street corridor. Proposed improvements will complement the existing communities and address safety, mobility and sustainable, long-term economic redevelopment. Comments can also be emailed to

A public meeting was held Tuesday, March 22 at the Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. Desoto St. Planning experts provided a forum for community members to provide input on what they like about the corridor, current challenges and needed improvements. A second public meeting will be held Tuesday, May 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Brownsville Community Center. Residents are invited and encouraged to intend. An implementation plan, along with conceptual design and cost element, is slated for June through October.

More information can be found at and on Facebook@ReimagineJacksonStreet.
