Roger Scott Tennis Center looking for hurricane help

From the staff of Roger Scott Tennis Center:

Tomorrow, Sunday, August 26 @ 1 pm we will be meeting up at Roger Scott to prepare the facility for the upcoming winds we may be encountering. We sure could use a little help!

“Many hands make light work!”

If you could only spare an hour– we will take it!

Things to do:

– Take all outside furniture in shed/storeroom
– Roll down wind screens and secure to fence
– Take down all banners and roll up and store
– More as we go!

Things to bring, just in case:

– Wire snippers to cut the tie-ties on windscreens
– ladder

What you will get:

– We will have pizza and beverages for our helpers! We can’t thank you enough!

Bruce, Susan and RS staff!

p.s. From Kicker –

The Roger Scott facility is a big part of the tennis community and activities in the Greater Pensacola Area. So come on out and lend a hand if you can.
