Scott wants to give state law enforcement pay raise

Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that he will propose a five percent pay raise for the state’s 4,000 sworn law enforcement officers in his 2017-2018 recommended budget. The estimated cost is $11.7 million.

Governor Rick Scott said, “Since becoming Governor I have been to 32 funerals for fallen officers who died bravely in the line of duty protecting the communities we call home. I’ve cried with their families and seen the pain and grief in their eyes as they laid their loved one to rest. Becoming a law enforcement officer is a special calling and one that requires a conscience choice each and every day to put your life on the line to protect our communities. We must always do everything we can to recognize our law enforcement officers and let them know how much we appreciate their service.”

This pay raise will include sworn officers from the following state agencies: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Financial Services, Florida Lottery, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Florida Department of Legal Affairs and Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.

The governor explained his proposal, “This year, Florida’s state law enforcement officers were put to the test like never before. In June, we experienced the horrific terror attack at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando – the deadliest mass shooting in American History. Just a few months later, two major hurricanes and a tropical storm swept across our state. In each of these storms, our brave men and women in uniform reached out a helping hand to those in need and courageously rescued many Floridians trapped by the rising water. Through these times of adversity, our state law enforcement fearlessly answered the call and put themselves in harm’s way – standing strong in the face of danger. It is thanks to their hard work and sacrifice that Florida persevered through these difficult times and has achieved a 45-year crime low – and I am humbled by their service, dedication and fortitude.”

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Rick Swearingen said, “I applaud Governor Scott for his continued support of Florida’s law enforcement community. The men and women who serve as FDLE agents and Capitol Police officers are absolutely committed to the Governor’s mission of making Florida the safest state in the nation. FDLE appreciates Governor Scott’s strong leadership and advocacy for law enforcement officers and their families and this proposed pay raise is a testament to the Governor’s support of those in uniform.”

In support of Gov. Rick Scott’s proposal to give state law enforcement officers 5 percent pay raises, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam issued the following statement:
“Florida’s law enforcement officers put it all on the line for us, and I wholeheartedly support Governor Scott’s budget that puts them first.”
