Student petitions School District to revoke dress code rule

Hannah Grace Smith, a West Florida High School student, believes the Escambia County School District’s dress code that is “incredibly sexist and unnecessary, and I believe that it should be revoked.”

Her petition on has gotten nearly 1,000 signatures.Smith started it five days ago.

Smith objects to the dress code rule: “Clothing that exposes the entire shoulder, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or similar type of clothing may only be worn with a blouse or shirt”.

“During my time in Escambia County schools, I have found that this rule in itself creates the distraction, not the women’s shoulders,” wrote Smith. “If administration didn’t shout “Shoulders are a Distraction” from the rooftops of our schools, many wouldn’t even view them as a distraction.”

Check out the petition.


3 thoughts on “Student petitions School District to revoke dress code rule

  1. Hey GNAGZ,
    How about you get involved in our schools? Currently we are at the bottom. Maybe, just maybe you could “learn them”.

  2. I only saw one error in the petition. (“in Escambia County school’s” should have been schools). It was hardly rife with spelling and grammar errors.

  3. I’m behind her cause 100%, but the real distraction is not exposed shoulders, it’s an exposed lack of proper education. Her petition is rife with spelling and grammar errors.

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