UWF wants to accelerate maritime museum

In a letter to the CMPA board, UWF President Judy Bense asks that Site A be delivered as an acceptable pad ready construction site by…

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Cohen’s CRA reimbursement memo

You asked for: City Council Memo re CRA Reimbursement

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Judge Collier responds to Cohen’s request

Judge Collier responds to Cohen’s request Posted on September 14, 2009 MEMORANDUM To: Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees From: Lacey A. Collier, Chairman,…

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Will City Council act on Museum funding?

The CMPA board passed the recommendation to use New Market Tax Credits as a funding mechanism for the Maritime Museum. Today the Pensacola City Council…

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CMP developer responds

Scott Davison of Maritime Park Developers called in response to Judge Lacey Collier comments yesterday at the Pensacola City Council committee meeting and my subsequent…

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Collier says CMP developer may be playing the Council

Today, the Pensacola City Council debated the agreements of the Community Maritime Park. CMP developer, Scott Davidson, has been working the council members individually over…

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CMP developer agreement finished

The final master developer agreement as been negotiated and agreed to by all parties. It and a cover memo from City Manager Al Coby are…

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Keesler appeal hits snag

Bryon Keesler’s appeal of Judge Bell’s dismissal of his and Leroy Boyd’s suit against the CMPA is not going so well. The First District Court…

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CMPA board positions

Mayor Mike Wiggins and Council member Megan Pratt have been nominated to fill John Fogg’s seat on the Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees….

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CMP could begin Feb. 2009

The summary of the Master Developer Agreement has a timeline for the various phases. It shows that Land Capital plans to start moving dirt on…

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Free our CMP

I read the daily newspaper’s article on yesterday’s Community Maritime Park Associates Board meeting. It’s titled “Maritime Park plan in flux.” Folks, we have to…

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CMP environmental permits by 12/31/08

From Ed Spears,Neighborhood & Economic Development Administrato, City of Pensacola : At today’s Board of Trustees meeting, Mr. Larry O’Donnell of the Florida Department of…

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