Half of city voters favor consolidating some services

A majority of Pensacola voters favor consolidating Fire, Planning Services, and Park Services, according to a recent poll by Political Matrix. However, they don’t like…

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In 2008, Consolidation got on our radar

The Urge to Merge By Duwayne Escobedo Published Feb. 13, 2008 In 1967, Jacksonville and Duval County moved to consolidate their governments. Three years later…

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Consolidation Commission killed itself early

In an article on NorthEscambia.com, State Rep. Clay Ford says the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission chairman Ken Bell disbanded the commission, which was actually…

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Another view of Monday’s meeting

We asked one of our college interns/free lancers to attend the Monday meeting on consolidation to offer up what she saw and heard. Some of…

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NorthEscambia wants more time, too

William Reynolds of NorthEscambia.com agrees that consolidation needs to be studied and vetted more before it is placed on the ballot. He really skewers the…

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PNJ has it backwards

BACKWARDS PROCESS Consolidation battle has not become about the details of the plan. Instead, the fight has been over whether the public should vote on…

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Video to rally support for plan

There is a video on YouTube asking voters to pressure the local state legislators to place the Consolidation Plan on the ballot next fall. It’s…

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Two More Years

The state legislators should table the Consolidation Plan until the proposal is fully discussed by the voters and modifications made to it based on the…

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Tick, tick…Consolidation plan deadline approaches

The local legislative delegation will vote on Feb. 22 whether it will present a consolidation bill to the state legislature. All bills must be be…

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Consolidation Forum Tonight (read summary of plan)

Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission will present tonight its consolidation plan: New World Landing, 600 South Palafox St., 5:30-7 p.m. Here is a summary of…

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Courthouse buzz: ECCSC and sunshine

There is a persistent buzz around the Escambia County Administrative Complex about two members of the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission, Ken Bell and Rick…

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Consolidation fails to get council approval

The Pensacola City Council vote, 5-4, against telling the state legislative delegation that they support placing the proposed consolidation plan on the ballot next November….

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