The Black Gold Untold

by IN South Alabama correspondent Dawn Butler.. About the size of Pensacola Beach is Dauphin Island, Alabama, where the oil first came ashore in our…

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Transocean had $270M payout

While Gulf Coast counties and municipalities struggle with finding funds to pay for their preparations for the BP oil spill, Transocean Ltd, the owner of…

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Transcript of Olbermann interview

I really thought I sounded more literate and knowledgeable than this: OLBERMANN: That we know about the B.P. waiver agreement offering up to $5,000 to…

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Exclusive: BP screwed up Exxon Valdez cleanup, too

I have been trying to get a handle on what we can truly expect from British Petroleum with this Gulf oil spill. Earlier in the…

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Sink’s day in Pensacola

By Sean Boone Federal and state officials were in Pensacola today to address emergency efforts for the Deep Horizon oil spill bearing down on Florida’s…

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Escambia County issues first emergency purchase orders

P.O. # 101304: James Lee Witt Associates: $49,000 -To assist BP Horizon and Escambia County Project Number OILSPL10. Witt was the FEMA director under Pres….

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BP spill: Possible Landfall at Perdido Thursday

From Chasidy Hobbs, Emerald Coastkeeper: Latest projection shows possible landfall of oil sheen in Perdido as early as Thursday. This changes everyday and keeps getting…

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Photos on Chili Earthquake

People have been posting their photographs of the Chili Earthquake. The albums give a much more personal look at the disaster: Album #1 Album #2…

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