BP ad runs in Sunday Pensacola News Journal

Pensacola’s daily newspaper fulfilled the Gannett mission of being a marketing solution…this time for British Petroleum. The ad, titled “The Gulf Oil Spill Response,” tells…

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GB UFOs military research?

In November 1987 contractor Ed Walters allegedly snapped a Polaroid picture of a UFO craft that he claimed was hovering over a road near a…

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Is PNJ more about marketing solutions than news?

The Gannett Blog is the one who is asking this question. In its 2009 annual report, Gannett, the owner of Pensacola’s daily newspaper, described itself…

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Why the county has sealed bids

Why is the sealed bid process so sacred? Because Escambia County has a history of backroom deals and preferential treatment for certain contractors. It wasn’t…

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Gannett woes

The Deal Magazine analyzes the debt obligations of Gannett, owner of the Pensacola News Journal. The company must raise $400 million between now and 2011…

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PNJ furloughs can be vacations

Missing your favorite daily newspaper reporter? Well, they could be furloughing. The Gannett Blog reports: Facing another furlough, Gannett Digital’s clever Laura Cochran joined employees…

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No Life in PNJ

The Pensacola News Journal has no Life section today. The Thursday edition has undergone its version of “The Biggest Loser” by dropping down from five…

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Gannett makes more cuts

The rumor is that the paper will cut the extra “n” and “t” from its name (credit Reuters blogs). The City Paper (an alt-weekly in…

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Watch out Blab, WEAR

Gannett, owner of the Pensacola News Journal, is getting in live webcasting of high school sports according to the Gannett Blog. Extending its live webcasting…

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Gannett newspaper revenue falls again

The parent company of the Pensacola News Journal reports its non-broadcast revenue dropped to $300 million, compared with $361 million in August 2007, was only…

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Gannett severance package

Gannett’s severance package isn’t quite as generous as the Escambia County buy-out: Severance Benefits • One week of pay for each year of service (52…

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Ivey to leave Louisville paper

Former PNJ publisher Denise Ivey is leaving the The Courier-Journal in Louisville, KY. The alt-paper, LEO, has this take on what it calls the “Friday…

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