Judge Lacey Collier speaks out on Davison

The daily newspaper has an in-depth interview with Judge Lacey Collier on his three-year tenure as the chairman of the Community Maritime Park Associates Board…

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MPDP Hoars out construction

Yesterday was the moment of truth for Scott Davison and his employer Maritime Park Development Partners. Could they deliver a letter of intent for a…

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Daily misses point

The News Journal is fixated on the financials of Maritime Park Development Partners and its shareholders. Their financials and net worths aren’t the issue. It’s…

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CMP master developer responds to memo

Jeff Galt, president of Maritime Park Development Partners has responded to the memo from CMPA chair Judge Lacey Collier. He does think that the Chairman’s…

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Who will be general contractor of CMP?

CMPA chair Judge Lacey Collier has sent the following memo to Maritime Park Development Partners: MEMORANDUM To: Jeff Galt, President, Maritime Park Development Partners, LLC…

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Judge Collier responds to Cohen’s request

Judge Collier responds to Cohen’s request Posted on September 14, 2009 MEMORANDUM To: Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees From: Lacey A. Collier, Chairman,…

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Anti-CMP 0-3

The anti-Community Maritime Park are 0-3 on proving their wild allegations – really they’re lies, but I’m trying to be nice. Federal Judge Lacey Collier…

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