Dishonest petition

If Marty Donovan truly wanted to stop the Community Maritime Park, then he should have had a petition drive in April or May. At the…

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Uh, oh, petition signers are upset

We are hearing that people who signed the Marty Donovan petition are upset because they were told the petition was a vote to stop the…

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No Boss Marty

If Martin Donovan is able to get enough signatures, then the name of the Political Action Committee that battles him should be No Boss Marty….

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Eagan faces new charge

Tim Eagan – former Marty Donovan campaign worker and the man who wanted so badly to present to the Pensacola City Council his plans for…

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Two ironies

1. The anti-charter people tell us we should leave government to the city staff. The anti-park people tell us we can’t trust the financing plan…

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Marty makes smart political move

The new PAC and petition drive against the bond financing is a smart political move by former City Councilman Marty Donovan. There is no downside…

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Marty is back

The PNJ reports that former City Councilman Marty Donovan has formed a political action committee to try and get enough signatures for another referendum on…

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More buzz: Eagan fallout

The word we’re getting off the record from city officials is that the effective fallout of the petition drive is that the City Council must…

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Marty Donovan knew bond issue was more than $40M

We found the minutes from a March 27, 2006 special meeting of the Pensacola City Council. During the discussion of the bond issue, Councilman Marty…

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Anti-CMP experiment shows why P’cola moves slow

I thank my regular blog readers for indulging me in my week-long experiment with the anti-CMP cult. Since 2005, we have had a small group…

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Council breaks own rules

The Pensacola City Council may have broken its own rules and procedures when it tried to reconsider the amendment to the Pate Cold Storage lease….

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Boone report: Odd vote at city council

by IN reporter Sean Boone Sometimes politics beats logic. For Jack Nobles and the rest of City Council, they proved just that on Monday night…

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