Free our CMP

I read the daily newspaper’s article on yesterday’s Community Maritime Park Associates Board meeting. It’s titled “Maritime Park plan in flux.” Folks, we have to…

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Johnson wins, Marty gone

Larry B. Johnson took an early lead in the City Council District 4 run-off and never looked back. He beat incumbent Marty Donovan, 1296-819. Donovan…

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Halcorp gives Donovan $750 before council vote

Councilman Marty Donovan got another $750 from Halcorp and its officers prior to the Nov. 20 vote to extend their lease at the Port of…

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Donovan Mythology: Part Four

During the Community Maritime Park referendum debate, Councilman Marty Donovan said he opposed the project because it wasn’t put out for open bid. Yesterday Donovan…

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Donovan Mythology: Part Three

Councilman Marty Donovan states in his campaign literature that he will continue “to develop and implement an aggressive economic development strategy.” The truth is Donovan…

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Donovan Mythology: Part Two

Pensacola City Councilman Marty Donovan also states his campaign literature that he “spearheaded the city’s efforts to build 26 major stormwater treatment projects.” The truth…

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Donovan Mythology: Part One

In his campaign literature, Councilman Marty Donovan takes credit for being “Instrumental in getting CSX to remove hundreds of creosote-coated wooden pilings from Bayou Texar…

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Oops, Donovan campaigner has criminal past

Yesterday, PNJ reporter Jamie Paige exposed Tim Eagan, a Pensacola decorative concrete worker, who created a $1 billion private development plan for the Port of…

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Where does Marty Donovan live?

That’s the question that is buzzing around town this weekend. It all started with the PNJ article on the District 4 City Council race. The…

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Knucklehead report

Marty Donovan really amazes me. He creates havoc, proposes nothing and yet expects to get re-elected. He has cost the City of Pensacola $10 million…

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Surprise: Marty Donovan begs for lawsuit

The Pensacola City Council approved in the Committee of the Whole a new financing plan for the Community Maritime Park – 9-1. According to the…

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Marty pre-files

Marty Donovan prefiled to run again for his city council seat on Friday, June 13. So all the council crew, except for John Fogg, is…

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