Occupy Pensacola has not given up the fight

Attorney Alistair McKenzie announced today that Occupy Pensacola has appealed the recent ruling by Judge Vinson in the case of Occupy Pensacola vs. The City…

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Occupy Pensacola won their appeal against the City of Pensacola

Occupy Pensacola will have another in federal court, thanks to an opinion issued on its appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th…

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War on Pensacola’s homeless continues

Occupy Pensacola hasn’t disappeared. The group is still fighting to help the homeless in the city of Pensacola. As the weather turns cooler, many of…

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City Goes After Occupy Legal Fees

The city of Pensacola today filed a motion in the United States District Court, Northern District of Florida to reopen the Occupy Pensacola case so…

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Occupy Pensacola ‘Denied’ in Suit Against City

Occupy Pensacola was handed a defeat yesterday in its lawsuit against the city of Pensacola. The United States District Court, Northern District of Florida ruled…

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Barricades Removed from Occupy’s Corner

The barricades encircling the corner sidewalk of Government and Spring streets – the Occupy Pensacola corner -have been removed. Occupiers are now being allowed to…

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The Hurricane Isaac winds blowing through the area have apparently swept away the Occupy Pensacola encampment at Pensacola City Hall. The camp is now gone,…

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Occupy Pensacola: More than a trespass case

By Stephanie Sharp… This week David Burden was found not guilty of a trespassing misdemeanor. His attorney, Eric Stevenson, fought for his client’s not guilty…

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Occupying the Court

Two people who were arrested outside Pensacola City Hall last year will be heading to court soon. Dr. Melody Castro and Rev. David Burden were…

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Occupy the Courts

Occupy protesters will take to the courts again, Friday, Jan. 20 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Federal Courthouse located at 1 N….

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Occupy’s Bedside

Gary Paull, Jr. was sleeping late this morning. As late as he could, anyway, on a cot outside Pensacola City Hall. Occupy Pensacola lost its…

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The Angry Parade

It’s becoming a regular thing, the protest parades down Palafox. A few weeks ago, the organic outcries were somewhat warm and fuzzy with a snare…

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