What Charlie Fairchild said about Maritime Park in 2005

The year was 2005. Pensacola had finished a series of town hall meetings on a proposed community maritime park. Charlie Fairchild, C.C. Elebash and Marty…

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If Marty and Jack didn’t like the stadium…

The right to petition a Pensacola City Council decision is not one that should be taken lightly. If the citizens have voiced their concerns in…

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Email on BP in Bayou Chico

To the Pensacola City Council (which doesn’t meet again until July 19): I live in a townhouse on Mahogany Mill Pond, and I am very…

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CMP 101

The blog has grown beyond Northwest Florida. We are approaching a million page views a month. Some of the new readers have been drawn here…

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It’s time to end this nonsense

We have two has-beens–scions of old Pensacola–that are out to stop a project that will revitalize downtown Pensacola and, in the process, are trying to…

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City hires Hatch Mott

Mayor Mike Wiggins announced at the June 7, 4:30 p.m press conference at the EOC that the City has hired Hatch Mott MacDonald to monitor…

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More BP globs headed our way

From The Ledger: Oil Crisis Focus Now On Tactics Pushed by the strong prevailing wind and currents, the globs of today will become the tar…

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Media Roundup 6.05.10

We are in Day 46 of the BP Oil Disaster and 16 days before the Pensacola City Council meets again to express its “outrage.” cfnews13.com:…

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BP hires uber Barbie

BP has found it has too many men speaking for it nationally and will now use its local BP Barbie approach nationwide. “BP Barbie” is…

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What’s up with Jerralds?

Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds apologized at last night’s council meeting to BP for the council’s harsh response Monday to BP spokeswoman Liz Castro last…

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Promise is DOA with Entrenched Eight

Sadly but as anticipated, eight Pensacola City Council members voted against Pensacola Promise yesterday….more accurately they voted to study it more, which is the much-used…

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Pensacola Promise is before City Council today – 3:15

Councilwoman Maren DeWeese will present her committee’s proposal for making it possible for City of Pensacola high school graduate to attend college. She is on…

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