Posted in Education

SunTrust Foundation gives $50K for UWF Pensacola Pledge Scholars

The University of West Florida received a $50,000 grant from the SunTrust Foundation for the Pensacola Pledge Scholars Fund. The gift will further bolster the…

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Posted in Business

Kalamazoo Promise and Pensacola Promise

In 2008, I interviewed on my radio show, “IN Your Head,” leaders from Kalamazoo, Michigan about an economic development initiative that provided all its high…

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Posted in Caring Education

Pensacola Pledge Scholars honored by Studers, UWF and PSC boards

Yesterday, Quint and Rishy Studer hosted a reception for the Pensacola Pledge Scholars from the University of West Florida and Pensacola State College. The reception…

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Posted in Education

Pensacola Pledge Scholars: More Good News

Just yesterday, students in Escambia County’s public high schools were given hope thanks to the generosity of Quint and Rishy Studer. “College education is the…

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